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Meetings minutes are inconsistent, missing key actions, missing challenges that need to be met, and associated agenda items
In many cases too many participants are invited because people that are uninvited feel left out and it generates a negative collaboration effect. This causes people that have little to contribute to that actual meeting to be focused on email or other nonproductive activities
Lack of follow up cited as key challenge in ineffective meetings and a significant factor in why transformation efforts fail. Little Post meeting dialogue on meeting content between meetings
Difficult to track key items from meeting to meeting in large transformation efforts
Organizations often engage in parallel or redundant efforts across lines of business blind to solutions and actions undertaken by teams confronting similar challenges
Team members that have many meetings per day miss many other meetings from which they could gain insights. Teams often engage in parallel or redundant efforts across lines of business blind to solutions and actions undertaken by other teams confronting similar challenges in the very next room
Lack of of transparency causes many missed opportunities, including synergy across teams and siloed ideas
Excessive time is spent on re-visiting and re-analyzing decisions from previous meetings due to lack of clarity on outcomes, actions, and decisions
For managers of groups that have many meetings per day, Managerial Span of Control is difficult to achieve
Awesome features that will help you get the most out of your meetings